Keele Research Repository
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Adam-Troian, J ORCID:, Chayinska, M, Paladino, MP, Uluğ, ÖM, Vaes, J and Wagner-Egger, P (2022) Of precarity and conspiracy: Introducing a socio-functional model of conspiracy beliefs. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62. pp. 136-139.
Adam-Troian, J ORCID:, Bonetto, E, Varet, F, Arciszewski, T and Guiller, T (2022) Pathogen threat increases electoral success for conservative parties: Results from a natural experiment with COVID-19 in France. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.
Bélanger, JJ, Adam-Troian, J ORCID:, Nisa, CF and Schumpe, BM (2022) Ideological passion and violent activism: The moderating role of the significance quest. British Journal of Psychology.
Adam-Troian, J ORCID:, Arciszewski, T and Bonetto, E (2022) Using Absolutist Word Frequency from Online Searches to Measure Population Mental Health Dynamics. Scientific Reports, 12 (1).
Bélanger, JJ, Adam-Troian, J ORCID:, Quimpo, N, AlKindi, Y, Gajić, M and Nisa, CF (2022) The dark tetrad personality traits moderate the relationship between ideological passion and violent activism. Psychology of Violence.
Adam-Troian, J ORCID:, Bonetto, E and Arciszewski, T (2021) “We Shall Overcome”: First-Person Plural Pronouns From Search Volume Data Predict Protest Mobilization Across the United States. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12 (8). pp. 1476-1485.
Adam-Troian, J ORCID: (2021) The French (non)Connection: A Closer Look at the Role of Secularism and Socio-Educational Disparities on Domestic Islamist Radicalization in France. Journal for Deradicalization, 24. 39 - 66.
Adam-Troian, J ORCID:, Bonetto, E and Arciszewski, T (2021) ‘We Shall Overcome’: First-Person Plural Pronouns from Search Volume Data Predict Collective Action across the United States. PsyArXiv. (Unpublished)
Kaya, A and Adam-Troian, J ORCID: (2021) Co-radicalisation of Islamist and Nativist Extremists in Europe. Journal of Muslims in Europe. 1 - 34.
Adam-Troian, J ORCID: and Bagci, SC (2021) The pathogen paradox: Evidence that perceived COVID-19 threat is associated with both pro- and anti-immigrant attitudes. International Review of Social Psychology, 34 (1).
Adam-Troian, J ORCID: and bagci, S (2021) The pathogen paradox: Evidence that perceived COVID-19 threat is associated with both pro- and anti-immigrant attitudes. International Review of Social Psychology.
Bonetto, E, Delouvée, S, Mahfud, Y and Adam-Troian, J ORCID: (2021) National identification, a social cure for COVID-19? Evidence from 67 countries. International Journal of Social Psychiatry.
Adam-Troian, J ORCID:, Tecmen, A and Kaya, A (2021) Youth Extremism as a Response to Global Threats? European Psychologist, 26 (1). 15 - 28.
Bonetto, E, Pichot, N, Pavani, J-B and Adam-Troian, J ORCID: (2021) The paradox of creativity. New Ideas in Psychology, 60 (100820). 1- 7.
Bonetto, E, Pichot, N, Pavani, J-B and Adam-Troian, J ORCID: (2020) Creative Individuals are Social Risk-takers: Relationships between Creativity, Social Risk-Taking and Fear of Negative Evaluations. Creativity. Theories – Research - Applications, 7 (2). 309 - 320.
Adam-Troian, J ORCID:, Çelebi, E and Mahfud, Y (2020) “Return of the repressed”: Exposure to police violence increases protest and self-sacrifice intentions for the Yellow Vests. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 23 (8). 1171 - 1186.
Adam-Troian, J ORCID:, Çelebi, E and Mahfud, Y (2020) Police use of force during street protests: A pressing public mental health concern. EClinicalMedicine, 26. 100509 - 100509.
Çelebi, E, Adam-Troian, J ORCID: and Mahfud, Y (2020) Positive Links Between Exposure to Police Violence, PTSD, and Depression Symptoms Among Yellow Vests Protesters in France. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 088626052093586 - 088626052093586.
Adam-Troian, J ORCID: and Arciszewski, T (2020) Absolutist Words From Search Volume Data Predict State-Level Suicide Rates in the United States. Clinical Psychological Science, 8 (4). 788 - 793.