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Piga, CAG, Alderighi, M and Nicolini, M (2016) Targeting leisure and business passengers with unsegmented pricing. Tourism Management, 54. pp. 502-512.
Alderighi, M, Nicolini, M and Piga, CAG (2015) Combined Effects of Capacity and Time on Fares: Insights from the Yield Management of a Low-Cost Airline. Review of Economics and Statistics, 97 (4). pp. 900-915.
Alderighi, M, Gaggero, A and Piga, CAG (2015) The effects of Code-Share agreements on the temporal profile of airline fares. Transportation Research, Part A. Policy and Practice, 79. 42 -54.
Piga, CAG and Alderighi, M (2014) Selection, heterogeneity and entry in liberal professions. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 23 (4). 925 -951.