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Hunter, SM, Johansen-Berg, H, Ward, N, Kennedy, NC, Chandler, E, Weir, CJ, Rothwell, J, Wing, AM, Grey, MJ, Barton, G, Leavey, NM, Havis, C, Lemon, RN, Burridge, J, Dymond, A and Pomeroy, VM (2018) Functional Strength Training and Movement Performance Therapy for Upper Limb Recovery Early Poststroke-Efficacy, Neural Correlates, Predictive Markers, and Cost-Effectiveness: FAST-INdiCATE Trial. Frontiers in Neurology, 8. 733 - ?.
Pomeroy, VM, Ward, NS, Johansen-Berg, H, van Vliet, P, Burridge, J, Hunter, SM, Lemon, RN, Rothwell, J, Weir, CJ, Wing, A, Walker, AA, Kennedy, N, Barton, G, Greenwood, RJ and McConnachie, A (2014) FAST INdiCATE Trial protocol. Clinical efficacy of functional strength training for upper limb motor recovery early after stroke: neural correlates and prognostic indicators. International Journal of Stroke, 9 (2). 240 -245.